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Part: RPCL
NOTE: Used to close off the end of the rake parapet trim. Trim only available in 26 gauge through website, if needing another gauge, please contact loca
Part: RPCR
Part: RPS18
NOTE: Provides support for rake parapet trim with floating roof systems. Utilize H1020 fasteners at each end.
Part: RPU121
NOTE: Used at parapet transition from roof to wall. Trim only available in 26 gauge through website, if needing another gauge, please contact local Compo
Part: RSA121
NOTE: Used to close off the rake of a building. Trim only available in 26 gauge through website, if needing another gauge, please contact local Component
Part: RSA242
Part: RSC121
Part: RSC242
Part: RSCE
NOTE: Used to close off the end of the sculptured rake trim. Trim only available in 26 gauge through website, if needing another gauge, please contact l
Part: RSCL
Part: RSCR
Part: RSK121
Part: RSK242
Part: RSN121
Part: RSN242
Your account is pending verification
Due to changes in the Canadian Exchange Rate, your prices may have been updated.
This project was priced using an older pricing version that is no longer available. It will be updated now to current pricing.